Saturday, August 2, 2008

MNU Spreads Lies

You may have seen some information regarding this site on It is another viral site that shows its support for the non-human side of things. It appears that is ran by a non-human "Poleepkwa" going by the name of George. His actions on forming an anti-MNU website seem to be quite an interesting read as we can dive into the conscience and understanding of the non-humans a little more.

Looking through several of the posts, the non-humans seem to have a very human-like personality as well as similar morals in effect. The website contains a wide variety of posts, but I definitely recommend reading each one as it gives fascinating insight into the aliens a little more than what has been seen through "Alive in Joburg."

What is an added bonus on this particular District 9 viral site is their effective video viral marketing involving a staged protest to help promote District 9 a step further. So far I greatly applaude this viral that Peter Jackson and Neill Blomkamp are putting together. Here is the video below:

Check the site out for yourself at